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Cullman Christian is a Christ-centered, biblically based college preparatory school dedicated to equipping covenant students to excel by using their gifts and talents  for God's glory.

Doctrinal Statement


  1. We believe in the inspiration and authority of Scripture. The Bible is the written Word of God, without error and infallible, and the divine authority in all matters of faith and life.

  2. We believe in one God who exists in three persons. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are the same in substance, equal in power and glory.

  3. We believe in the majesty and sovereignty of God. The personal Triune God of the Bible owns and controls all things according to the counsel of His will.

  4. We believe that God created the universe out of nothing. God alone has existed from all eternity past and in His wisdom decided to create the universe using nothing which had pre-existed.

  5. We believe that mankind was created by God. Man did not evolve from other species but was created by God. He was created with dignity in that he was made in God's image and created in humility in that his purpose was and still is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.

  6. We believe in the fall of mankind into sin. The voluntary sin of Adam resulted in mankind's total depravity. Thus, all men are sinners and are not able to please God on their own merit or save themselves.

  7. We believe in God's gracious plan of salvation. God in His mercy chose to provide a means of salvation for mankind through the substitutionary atonement of Christ. Jesus Christ died on a cross to save us from our sins and He is the only mediator between God and man.

  8. We believe that God applies the salvation earned by Christ to us through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit calls us to Himself, convincing us of our sin, and persuading and enabling us to receive Jesus Christ by faith.

  9. We believe that we are justified and sanctified by faith in Jesus Christ alone. God declares sinners righteous through the perfect obedience of Christ and He then works His power in them, enabling them to progress in holiness through the Word and Spirit.

  10. We believe in Second Coming of Jesus Christ to judge the world. Christ will bring all things to consummation at the judgment, taking His own to be with Him in the new heavens and new earth. All others will be cast into hell forever.


Christian Education

CCS educated students will not distinguish between "God's creation" and "science"; between "God's order" and "mathematics"; or between "Church history" and "world history." Throughout the curriculum, an inseparable association exists between "subject-matter" and "spiritual matters."

Conventional education operates on the philosophy that education is neutral - that it merely conveys fact and that facts do not require a spiritual context. We believe that facts, whether scientific, mathematical, historical, or otherwise, can only represent truth if they are taught in the context of a Christian worldview. There is no neutrality. For this reason, we base our curriculum on biblical truth to provide an academically rigorous education.


adapted from Foundations Academy

Our Philosophy


Few investments have more potential than your children's education. The way they see the world, the way they approach life, and the depth of their character are all influenced by education. The choice of where and how to educate your children can be challenging and complicated. Some parents value a larger athletic program over Christian education.


CCS integrates subjects like literature, history, language, art, math, and science. For education to be effective, it must go beyond conveying fact. Truly effective education cultivates thinking and articulate students who are able to develop facts into arguments and convey those arguments clearly and persuasively.

Pursuing classical virtues through education requires a prioritization both in what is taught and how it’s taught. There is no greater task for education than to teach students how to learn. Beyond subject matter, quality education develops those skills that are essential in higher education and throughout life - independent scholarship, critical thinking, logical analysis, and a love for learning.

We love our Lions !

Our Motto
Initium sapiente timor Domini

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" Psalm 111:10




Cullman Christian School seeks to serve the Christian community by providing an academically rigorous education with a biblical world and life view.



To become one of the leading private Christian schools in the state of Alabama through educating students classically, equipping students spiritually, and sending students missionally to pursue their God-ordained calling.



To further the kingdom of God by preparing students to impact the world.


Our Alma Mater


Cullman Christian
Sons and Daughters

faithful few are we.


For God's glory we aspire,

Hearts in harmony.


Thanking humbly

Our Creator, 

Loyal we will be.


Proud to call you

Alma Mater,


Cullman Christian School!



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Contact Us

Tel: 256-734-0734



1803 Beech Ave, SE

Cullman,AL 35055

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© Copyright by Cullman Christian School. 

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